
About Lev Seltzer

Lev Seltzer has been a member of Beis Tefillah from just a short time after its founding. He currently manages the BTYA.org website, and can be found every morning in the BTYA "Vasikin Room" where he is the gabbai of the minyon.

The Rain In Spain (and anywhere else) Should Train Not To Complain, Part 2

By |2011-11-27T09:03:40+02:00November 10th, 2011|Weekly "Chadash" Articles from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Last week, in part one of The Rain In Spain (and anywhere else) Should Train Not To Complain, we began talking about seeing Hashem [...]

The Rain In Spain (and anywhere else) Should Train Not To Complain

By |2011-11-02T06:59:05+02:00November 3rd, 2011|Weekly "Chadash" Articles from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Before commencing this article, and thereby launching a whole new “round” of articles for the coming year, be’ezras Hashem, I would like to pause for [...]

Gmar Chasima Tova … Piska Tava… Gut Yom Tov….And A Gezunte Vinter!

By |2011-10-11T10:14:44+02:00October 11th, 2011|Weekly "Chadash" Articles from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

And so, thanks to the vagaries of the calendar, of scheduling, and of the realities of putting out a newspaper, this will be the [...]

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