Acharei Mos/Kedoshim Bulletin in PDF format

It is ossur  to leave Shul early on a regular basis. A person who leaves early in that fashion, because he has no patience to wait a few minutes, is being mevazeh the whole idea of davening and of the Shechinah  being present in a Shul.

Aharon HaKohen, the Kohen Godol, is warned not to treat the Beis HaMikdash and the Kodesh HaKodoshim with  a cavalier attitude-“just entering whenever he feels like it”. Do we spend any time at all before we start davening thinking about what are about to do? (Some people do–learn from them!) Try the sefer Praying With Fire I or II, which splits up inspirational pieces into bite-size segments [or another Sefer I happen to enjoy immensely, “Making The Most Of Prayer” an ArtScroll book by Rabbi Mordechai Potash],  have a 3 minute seder in it before you start davening….Don’t rush in, late, and play catch-up…