CHOVOS HALEVAVOS – Cheshbon HaNefesh No. 15
Sunday, September 15/ ט"ו אלול Reflect on the preparations needed for my neshama’s longest trip. Be ready to leave at any time. Consider if [...]
Sunday, September 15/ ט"ו אלול Reflect on the preparations needed for my neshama’s longest trip. Be ready to leave at any time. Consider if [...]
Shabbos, September 14/ י"ד אלול Shabbos, September 14/ י"ד אלול Reflect on how much Hashem loves us and helps us in every generation. Hashem has [...]
Friday, September 13/ י"ג אלול Reflect on the difference between my knowledge and my deeds. Imagine a servant who used the king’s field partly [...]
Thursday, September 12/ י"ב אלול Reflect on how much effort I put into worldly matters. Do I put such effort into the service of [...]
Wednesday, September 11/ י"א אלול Reflect and make an accounting on if I use my days to serve Hashem or my yetzer. Additional insights [...]
Tuesday, September 10/ י' אלול Reflect that Hashem sees and remembers all my deeds – good and bad. Hashem knows my thoughts. Additional insights [...]
Monday, September 9/ ט' אלול Reflect on the different ways of serving Hashem by using all of my energies and talents. This includes duties [...]
Sunday, September 8/ ח' אלול Reflect how obligated I am to recognize Hashem’s unity, that He is one with no beginning nor end to [...]
Shabbos, September 7/ ז' אלול Reflect how a servant has obligations to his Master. The Master takes care of the servant’s needs. When the servant [...]
Friday, September 6/ ו' אלול Reflect that the entire physical world exists by Hashem’s will and that nature does not rebel against Hashem’s instructions. My [...]
Thursday, September 5/ ה' אלול Reflect that Torah came from Hashem and not a human king. Reflect on my attitude about the importance of understanding [...]
Wednesday, September 4/ ד' אלול Reflect upon the chesed of getting the Torah to draw us close to Hashem’s will, thus attaining this World and [...]