Class would start at 12:14. Punctually. The Rav would take out his copies. How many times had they been used? He taught the men,women and seminary students from those pages. He lived those pages.
He’d always review the last class for the first few minutes. Then he would read from the text. Then he’d start to translate, always very carefully. Each word and its nuances were measured. Sometimes if there was a homonym, he’d spell to be exact. Then he’d bring the Sefer alive with his own personal commentary. He’d share his life experiences and even his own struggles.
He’d say, Definition of bitachon. Relying on Hashem. You’re always relying on something…He would state the qualities of something or someone necessary to be able to rely on someone and why they can only be found in Hashem. Relying on HaShem exclusively…not HaShem and the doctor, not HaShem and the rich uncle…
It was a class where you could ask questions. He appreciated a good question. He wanted us to grasp the sefer’s message. The Rav’s answers were clear. He knew how to take a question, answer it, and go back to the class. There was no sabotage going on. He was in control.
He’d quickly rush out at the end to daven Mincha. He didn’t want the men to wait for him. If a woman had a personal question and wanted to ask him in the hall. He’d say,”Please email me”. It didn’t matter who she was member, non member. He’d say again,”Really, email me.” He cared. Many classes were taught with the Rav’s foot elevated on a chair. The last two classes we said Tehillim for the Rav.
It was important to him that the women be thanked for their tefilos on his behalf. At the end we were Skype-ing and hearing the Rav on the speaker from the cell phone. When we were having trouble with internet reception, he’d ask”Did we give up on Skype?” He wanted connection. He wanted to see us. I think he missed us.