CHOVOS HALEVAVOS – Cheshbon HaNefesh No. 8
Sunday, September 8/ ח' אלול Reflect how obligated I am to recognize Hashem’s unity, that He is one with no beginning nor end to [...]
Sunday, September 8/ ח' אלול Reflect how obligated I am to recognize Hashem’s unity, that He is one with no beginning nor end to [...]
Shabbos, September 7/ ז' אלול Reflect how a servant has obligations to his Master. The Master takes care of the servant’s needs. When the servant [...]
Friday, September 6/ ו' אלול Reflect that the entire physical world exists by Hashem’s will and that nature does not rebel against Hashem’s instructions. My [...]
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Shoftim If, because of lack of strength, a person has to choose between standing during chazaras hashatz or standing for k’ri’as [...]
Thursday, September 5/ ה' אלול Reflect that Torah came from Hashem and not a human king. Reflect on my attitude about the importance of understanding [...]
Wednesday, September 4/ ד' אלול Reflect upon the chesed of getting the Torah to draw us close to Hashem’s will, thus attaining this World and [...]
Tuesday, September 3/ ג' אלול Reflect that I have intelligence and insight. I was given good middos and noble qualities and characteristics. Additional insights from [...]
Monday, September 2/ ב' אלול Reflect on the chesed HaShem in my body. I have graciously been gifted with eyes, hands, legs, and so much [...]
Sunday, September 1 / ר"ח אלול - א' אלול Reflect on the chesed HaShem in my own existence. I am more distinguished than an animal, plant, or inanimate [...]
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Re'eh When davening two shemoneh essreis one-after-the-other (usually that would happen when davening a tefilas tashlumin), one should say “ashrei” between [...]
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Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Eikev L'kovod Mattisyahu Bernstein’s Bar Mitzvah… According to Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, a person is still obligated to be madrich and [...]