Friday, September 13/ י”ג אלול
Reflect on the difference between my knowledge and my deeds. Imagine a servant who used the king’s field partly for his private purposes and had to give an accounting for his action. Think that I will be held responsible and that I have a debt to pay to the King. Use my time to serve the Creator each day.
Additional insights from HoRav Malinowitz:
Do my deeds match up with the knowledge I have?
In fact, do my deeds match up with any of the “raw materials” (the abilities, the capabilities) that HaShem has given me? Am I using them fully to further my avodas HaShem?
Or am I frittering away His gifts to me in other pursuits?
And how often do people say “if I only had X’s intelligence, Y’s charisma, Z’s enthusiasm . . . .”?
HaShem gave each one of us unique and special kochos — are we using them fully?
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