Baruch Hashem, Thursday night’s כנס התעוררות in Ulam Shabsai was well attended, with over 110 men and women coming together to hear inspirational words of  חיזוק and  התעוררות by Rav Malinowitz and Rav Kornfeld. In addition to the important messages of how to be דבק בה’ and the appreciation we should have for our miraculous bodies and the powerful brocha of  אשר יצר, a number of initiatives were introduced for both women and men that could help bring growth and closeness to Hashem every day of our lives. To find out more about the initiatives (including shiurim, Tehillim gatherings, a women’s shalom vaad and ten daily ways to be מחזק  your ‘דביקות בה), please contact or

A recording of the  כנס is available online at

The כנס, the efforts by all who participated and the undertaking of the initiatives should be a

זכות לרפואה שלימה של ישעיה שלום בן מלכה גיטל בתוך שאר חולי ישראל