Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Chukas 5779
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Chukas 5779 At Shabbos Minchah we say the passuk “va'ani sefilasi lechoh Hashem...” According to the Medrash, it is an expression [...]
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Chukas 5779 At Shabbos Minchah we say the passuk “va'ani sefilasi lechoh Hashem...” According to the Medrash, it is an expression [...]
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Balak 5778 On a fast day, if the chazzan forgets the beracha of “aneinu”, if he did not yet say the [...]
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Chukas 5778 It is better to daven with a small minyan in a Beis Medrash (where people regularly learn Torah) than [...]
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Chukas 5777 Tefilla Halacha Amein, for a berachah of praise, means an affirmation that the praise is true . For a [...]