Rosh Hashanah 5774 newsletter in PDF format
As the New Year 5774 dawns, Hilchos Kedushas Beis K’nesses Takes A Break, While Hilchos Tefillah Continues.
- Some have the minhag of davening on RH and YK slightly louder than usual to enhance their concentration. Certainly one must be careful not to disturb others. If one can concentrate fine without raising his/her voice, that is preferable.
- Some have the minhag to bend the body throughout shemoneh esrei on RH and YK in order to instill a feeling of fear and humility. If one does so, the body must be straightened at the beginning and end of each beracha where bending is not normally done. Best would be to daven with a straight body and a bent heart!
- Crying during davening on RH and YK is muttar and is even praiseworthy. Even if a person feels unable to cry, he/she should daven with a weeping-type, broken, voice. This is true even on Shabbos (when it is RH or YK).
- It is muttar on RH and YK to add private requests at the end of shemoneh esrei. Even if it is Shabbos.
- One should bend over , bowing , at va’anachnu kor’im etc. in aleinu of the silent shemoneh esrei
- Sefer Yesod v’Shoresh Ha’Avodah states that when kneeling onto the floor during the repetition of the shemoneh esrei, a person should feel great joy, and gratitude, for the privilege of being part of our Nation and able to know and worship HaShem.
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