
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayigash 5776

By |2019-11-26T18:17:06+02:00December 17th, 2015|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayigash 5776 Tefilla Halacha Why is the passuk from az yashir about our enemies being frightened said forwards and then backwards [...]

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Mikeitz 5776

By |2019-11-26T18:17:07+02:00December 10th, 2015|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Mikeitz 5776 Tefilla Halacha Halachas for when Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah coincide: By Maariv, if one forgets “Ya’aleh V’Yavo” or [...]

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