
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Mikeitz (Chanukah) 5777

By |2019-11-26T18:17:03+02:00December 29th, 2016|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Mikeitz (Chanukah) 5777 Tefilla Halacha It's time for that special Friday Minchah again—besides the lechatchilah minhag to daven it before hadlakas [...]

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayishlach 5777

By |2019-11-26T18:17:03+02:00December 15th, 2016|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayishlach 5777 Tefilla Halacha The original word for what we usually call the chazzan is the “sh’li’ach tzibbur”. What does “chazzan” [...]

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