Who Owns the Torah? —Part II
Last week, we defined the legal reality of a kinyan as when an actual, real, situation is formalized as belonging that way. As such, I can possess an [...]
Last week, we defined the legal reality of a kinyan as when an actual, real, situation is formalized as belonging that way. As such, I can possess an [...]
Over the last two weeks, we have focused on preparing for zeman matan Toraseinu by explaining (and hopefully accepting and ultimately fulfilling) Chazal’s dictum, [...]
Last week, as part of our preparation for Kabbalas HaTorah engendered by sefiras ha’omer, we started discussing the concept of “Derech eretz kadmah la’Torah,” explaining that —in some [...]
Chazal tell of a number of things which preceded the creation of the world (see Pesachim 54a), one of them being Torah. Yet Chazal also say “Derech [...]
One of the more common phrases we hear and say is “yetzi’as Mitzrayim” —going out of or leaving Egypt. The Exodus. Whether the context [...]
In a certain sense, the process of yetzias Mitzrayim started with Hashem telling Moshe Rabbeinu “Hachodesh hazeh lachem… This month (i.e., new moon) is [...]
Well, it’s been late in coming, but here is the promised final part of our kibbud av va’eim column. We’ve reached the understanding, based [...]
Once again, I must apologize for not (yet) completing the series on kibbud av va’eim. We will return to that subject im yirtzeh Hashem [...]
Part Three of our series will just have to wait, Purim is here, we must explain Haman’s fate. And although the story as written [...]
We are in the midst of trying to understand why kibbud av va’eim is classified as a mitzvah bein adam laMakom. We have seen [...]
The Aseres Hadibros, read last week, are, logically, a microcosm of the entire Torah. Whether or not we assume Rav Saadyah Gaon’s chiddush that [...]
“Remember the Shabbos day, to sanctify it; six days shall you work, and accomplish all your undertakings; but the seventh day is Shabbos, [dedicated] [...]