The End of Our Troubles Nachamu, Nachamu Ami – Part 2
We have seen last week that the Ramban seemingly attributes two parts to the prohibition of “You shall not test Hashem.” One is that [...]
We have seen last week that the Ramban seemingly attributes two parts to the prohibition of “You shall not test Hashem.” One is that [...]
Parshas Va’eschanan contains a negative mitzvah, a prohibition, articulated in the passuk (Devarim 6:16) “You shall not test Hashem, as you tested Him at [...]
Last week, we discussed the essential underlying concept of korbanos as explained by Maharal in Nesiv Ha’avodah. The Maharal explains that sacrificing a domesticated animal, [...]
We are currently in the midst of ‘The Three Weeks,’ a time of year that Chazal call ‘bein hametzarim’ (between the confining barriers), or, [...]
In this week’s sedrah (Bamidbar 27:12-13), Hashem says to Moshe Rabbeinu, “Go up to this mountain of Avarim and see the Land that I have [...]
The Gemara in Bava Basra (14b) states: “Moshe Rabbeinu wrote his sefer, ‘Parshas Bilam,’ and the book of Iyov (Job).” Rashi there explains, “[What [...]
Last week, we explained two fundamentally different approaches regarding emunah and all of Torah and mitzvos. One approach is simple, perhaps unsophisticated, faith and [...]
“Vayikach Korach” —“And Korach took.” What did he take, and where did he take it? Rashi explains that “he took himself off to the [...]
Last week, we saw that a person’s life in this world is essentially a shutfus —a partnership— between the body and the soul. The [...]
Last week, we saw that a person’s life in this world is essentially a shutfus —a partnership— between the body and the soul. The [...]
“Nazir? Rabbi Malinowitz, that was in last week’s sedrah; this week is Parshas Beha’aloscha! Beha’aloscha is so difficult, with so many strange happenings —the [...]
There is an interesting, almost paradoxical aspect to studying and understanding Torah, which leads us to a major, vital perception of it. On the [...]