
Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayikra (Parshas Zachor) & Purim 5779

By |2019-11-26T18:16:54+02:00March 14th, 2019|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayikra (Zachor & Purim) 5779 If a person’s mind wanders during the reading of the Megilah, it is questionable if he [...]

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayikra (HaChodesh) 5778

By |2019-11-26T18:16:58+02:00March 15th, 2018|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Vayikra (HaChodesh) 5778 Although we start our calendar year in Tishrei, we count months starting Nissan, which is counted as the [...]

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