Seven Habits of Highly Effective Bitachon –Part I
I ask for my readers’ indulgence, inasmuch as this week’s column will actually be focused on last week’s parshah. The lessons that are to be learned [...]
I ask for my readers’ indulgence, inasmuch as this week’s column will actually be focused on last week’s parshah. The lessons that are to be learned [...]
In this week’s sedrah, Chayei Sarah, the Torah repeats the ‘deal’ that Eliezer (Chazal tell us that it was Eliezer — the Torah does [...]
הפיסקה הזאת במסגרת במקום כותרת Dear Readers, It was not a simple decision to print a letter that I wrote to my Kehillah, concerning [...]
[I wish to begin this week’s column by acknowledging the source of the title, taken from the lyrics of the song ‘Avraham’ by ‘The [...]
Yes, I know that Sukkos is already over. Sorry, I am simply not ready to get back to the weekly parshah just yet. The [...]
We have seen in the last two columns that Avodas Hashem (serving Hashem) should come out of an innermost, natural feeling that is based [...]
We have seen the Chovos Halevavos’ explanation of the compelling need to serve Hashem; that it is based on our own compelling need to acknowledge [...]
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we prepare ourselves not only for the yemei hadin, for the judgment of the coming year, but perhaps more primarily [...]
We are now more than halfway through the month of Elul, and it is high time that we connect to its essence. We concluded [...]
We are approximately one-third of the way through the month of Elul, and so it behooves us to understand its essence a bit better [...]
We are in the midst of trying to understand why, in the prohibition against listening to a person who performs wonders and ‘signs’ and [...]
The passuk in this week’s parshah states, (Devarim 13:2-6): “If there should stand in your midst a prophet… and he will produce to you [...]