
About Lev Seltzer

Lev Seltzer has been a member of Beis Tefillah from just a short time after its founding. He currently manages the BTYA.org website, and can be found every morning in the BTYA "Vasikin Room" where he is the gabbai of the minyon.

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Va’eschanan 5775

By |2019-11-26T18:17:08+02:00July 31st, 2015|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Va'eschanan 5775 Tefilla Halacha Who should wash the Kohen’s hands prior to birkas Kohanim? Choice 1: A Levi (this is based [...]

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Devarim 5775

By |2019-11-26T18:17:08+02:00July 24th, 2015|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Devarim 5775 Tefilla Halacha We insert the tefillah of nachem into the berachah “v'leey'rushalayim ir'chah” at Minchah of Tisha B’Av. It is [...]

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Matos-Masei 5775

By |2019-11-26T18:17:08+02:00July 17th, 2015|BTYA Weekly Newsletter, Weekly Tefilla Halacha from Rav Malinowitz ZTZ"L|

Shabbos Bulletin Parshas Matos Masei 5775 Tefilla Halacha It's time for that special Friday Minchah again: If one forgets to say ya'aleh v'yavo at Minchah Friday [...]

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